Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Senate boosts cruise centre

BREMERHAVEN. The cruise terminal on Columbus Island is to be expanded with the construction of a new multifunctional reception building planned for this purpose. The Port Committee set the course for this in February by unanimously approving the respective proposal made by Bremen’s Senator for Science and Ports, Dr Claudia Schilling. The planning costs for the project are set at 1.27 million Euros. Schilling’s comment in relation: “The topic of cruises is of great economic and emotional importance in Bremerhaven. I am convinced that this segment of tourism will experience enormous growth again once the pandemic has come to an end. The aim of this investment is to make even better use of the economic potential for the port and the city.” The plan is for the middle section of the building complex to be dismantled and rebuilt. In addition to the terminal, the complex will also include an integrated parking garage and several office floors.

Credit: bremenports

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Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

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