Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Historical landmark of structural engineering

BREMERHAVEN. The north sluice in Bremerhaven was deemed a historical landmark of engineering during a ceremony in April. The Bremen Senator for Science and Ports, Dr Claudia Schilling, unveiled the official plaque on the sluice that is still fully operational after 90 years of use. “This is a matter of appreciating the innovative and sustainable engineering behind the structure,” says Schilling. The Chamber of Engineers of Bremen, whose federal association has given the award since 2007, was at the ceremony.

Photo: bremenports

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Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

BREMEN. Röhlig Logistics expanded its digital portfolio in May with the customer reporting platform “Röhlig Insights”, an all-in-one reporting solution for air, sea and road transport.

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Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

BREMEN. Röhlig Logistics expanded its digital portfolio in May with the customer reporting platform “Röhlig Insights”, an all-in-one reporting solution for air, sea and road transport.

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