Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Increase in port fees

BREMEN/WILHELMSHAVEN. Docking at Bremen ports and the JadeWeserPort became more expensive for the shipping industry at the turn of the year with a price increase of five per cent. Bremen’s Senator for Science and Ports, Dr Claudia Schilling, spoke of a “moderate” rise in fees, which was taken “with due consideration given to the current economic climate”. This was echoed by Holger Banik, Managing Director, JadeWeserPort Realisierungs GmbH and NPorts. He continued: “Our fees are still low when compared with the traditional ports.”

Credits: JadeWeserPort

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“Port Investments Study 2024” published

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“Port Investments Study 2024” published

“Port Investments Study 2024” published

PARIS. At its annual conference in Paris in late April, the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) released the results of its Port Investments Study 2024, according to which the European port management authorities’ investment needs will rise to 80 billion euros in the next ten years.

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