Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Cultural change with SMARTPort strategy

BREMEN/BREMERHAVEN. Numerous digitalisation projects (see “Main Topic”) have already been implemented in Bremen’s ports together with players from the port industry. The next major step – “SmartPort” strategy – has now been carried out. In April, the Bremen Senate approved the analysis developed by bremenports on behalf of the Senator for Science and Ports as well as further planning. Dr Claudia Schilling, Bremen’s Senator for Science and Ports stated: “New technologies such as AI, the Internet of Things and Big Data also offer huge opportunities for ports and the maritime industry. Nevertheless, they pose major challenges at the same time, which we can only overcome together. The ‘SmartPort’ strategy will enable us to initiate a cultural change within the port community and to set up overarching and shareable structures. This will allow us to ensure that Bremen’s ports become more digital, sustainable and efficient, so that we remain competitive in the future, too”. The ‘SmartPort’ strategy is based on extensive analyses, including a survey of stakeholders and opportunity-risk assessment. It envisages that, first of all, port stakeholders such as shipowners, terminals and service providers will network with authorities and port-related institutions and develop common goals in terms of digitalisation plus the way to achieve them. The aim is to create new and useful applications and intelligent systems for all stakeholders.

Credits: bremenports

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