Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

“Nordlicht II” arrives at the home port of Emden

Emden, den 14th November 2021 | The new catamaran MS “Nordlicht II” of Emder AG “EMS” has arrived at the home port of Emden after its voyage across the world’s oceans.

Many onlookers were eagerly awaiting the ship as it passed the Great Sea Lock and finally moored at the south quay. After that, there were a few official inspections to finally approve the ship before unloading began today.

The transport ship MS “PAULA” from SAL Heavy Lift GmbH was piggybacking the MS “Nordlicht II” from Singapore for around three and a half weeks. Now the final equipping on board still has to be done, such as the catering equipment with crockery and cutlery or the cash register system as well as the final touches on the on-board information system.

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Credits: AG “Ems”

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