Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Ready for the international stage

BREMEN. With the new podcast “Go Global! Bremen Business Talks” Germany‘s smallest state has had an international audience every two weeks since April. Alternating between German and English, Bremen-based moderator Boris Felgendreher regularly speaks with select guests about new technological developments in Bremen, international trade and economic policy, and opportunities for companies in global trade. The bilingual nature of the show aims to attract international experts and demographics. The podcast is a joint service by the WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen, the Bremer Senator for Business, Labour and European Affairs, and the Bremen Chamber of Commerce, and can be found online at,, streamed on the major podcast platforms, or stored on your smartphone.

Photo: Handelskammer Bremen

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Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

BREMEN. Röhlig Logistics expanded its digital portfolio in May with the customer reporting platform “Röhlig Insights”, an all-in-one reporting solution for air, sea and road transport.

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Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

Röhlig strengthens digital portfolio

BREMEN. Röhlig Logistics expanded its digital portfolio in May with the customer reporting platform “Röhlig Insights”, an all-in-one reporting solution for air, sea and road transport.

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