Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Seabin collects plastic from Kaiserhafen

BREMERHAVEN. “Everything counts in large amounts”. In this case, the large amounts are made up of garbage and plastic. And the bin that is intended to fish the waste out of the harbour basins is called Seabin. This small catch bag is attached to a pontoon, floats on the surface of the water and continuously sucks in water through a filter system to clean the water and protect the environment. The watertight bag which collects the garbage can hold 20 litres and the Seabin is expected to remove up to four kilos of plastic a day from the water. It can filter particles with a diameter of 2 mm or more from the water. The waste is then collected and can be correctly disposed of or recycled.

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Photo credit: bremenports

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“Port Investments Study 2024” published

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