Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Three awards for maritime training

BREMEN. Berufsbildungsstelle Seeschifffahrt (BBS) presented three awards at the 17th Bremen Shipping Congress in October: “Excellent training company 2023”, “Excellent trainer 2023” and “Excellent instructor 2023”. Training shipping company AG EMS from Emden, trainer Tom Rüdiger from the Fairplay Towage Group in Hamburg and instructor Silvia Baumgartner from Berufsbildende Schulen Wesermarsch in Elsfleth were honoured in these categories for their extraordinary services. “This evening we have the opportunity to put the spotlight on maritime apprenticeships,” said Dieter Janecek, the federal government’s maritime coordinator, who had joined the festivities with a video message and highlighted the importance of apprentices and instructors.

Credits: Berufsbildungstelle Seeschifffahrt e. V.

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“Port Investments Study 2024” published

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