Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

De Reese elected as head of the port industry in Niedersachsen

Niedersachsen, 16th December 2021 | Niedersachsen’s Port Representation, the Niedersächsische Hafenvertretung e. V. (NHV), voted the board for the next two years on their General assembly.

Michael de Reese, Cuxport GmbH, Cuxhaven, is the new Chairman of the NHV. His colleagues on the board are Uwe Jacob, Niedersachsen’s Ministry of Economics, Labor, Transport and Digitization, John H. Niemann, port trade association Wilhelmshavener Hafenwirtschaftsvereinigung e. V., Michael Appelhans, Rhenus Midgard GmbH & Co. KG, Nordenham and Karsten Dirks, EVAG Emder Verkehrs and Automotive Gesellschaft mbH, Emden.

The supervisory board of the port marketing company Seaports of Niedersachsen was also elected.

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Credits: Cuxport GmbH

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