Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Extensive repairs to Freilaufkanal

BREMERHAVEN. Heavy equipment was in operation at the Lohmanndeich in July. The floating crane, otherwise known as “Athlet”, dismantled large parts of the jetty at Freilaufkanal, which was then taken to USM North in Kaiserhafen 1 for structural repair work and new conservation. The cost of the repairs was roughly 400,000 euros. The Freilaufkanal is of immense importance for safe nautical conditions in the Kaiserhafen and Nordhafen because it compensates for the loss of water at hide tide, thereby avoiding the need for pumps which are energy-intensive and costly to run.


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“Port Investments Study 2024” published

PARIS. At its annual conference in Paris in late April, the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) released the results of its Port Investments Study 2024, according to which the European port management authorities’ investment needs will rise to 80 billion euros in the next ten years.

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“Port Investments Study 2024” published

“Port Investments Study 2024” published

PARIS. At its annual conference in Paris in late April, the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) released the results of its Port Investments Study 2024, according to which the European port management authorities’ investment needs will rise to 80 billion euros in the next ten years.

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