WILHELMSHAVEN/HAMBURG. Due to temporary problems encountered at the Port of Hamburg, Hapag-Lloyd moved various services from Hamburg to Wilhelmshaven in early April. One of these is the China Germany Express (CGX) service, which commenced in February and links China and Germany directly. According to Hapag-Lloyd, this step was not the result of the stake in the JadeWeserPort from last September – it owns a 30 per cent share in the Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven (CTW) and 50 per cent in Rail Terminal Wilhelmshaven (RTW). In this respect, Hapag-Lloyd announced in late April that the EU Commission had already approved this investment and that the container operator EUROGATE will continue to hold the remaining shares. Company management also stated: “Investments in strategic assets along the supply chain form a major part of Hapag Lloyd’s 2023 strategy. The stake in JadeWeserPort will help Hapag-Lloyd to improve its competitive position and, at the same time, strengthen North German ports.” Both sides agreed not to divulge the purchase price.