Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

New service for Neustädter Hafen

BREMEN. The Norwegian company Norlat Shipping has been offering a regular service from Neustädter Hafen in Bremen to ports on the East Coast of the USA and in the Gulf of Mexico since June. The service focuses on large break-bulk cargo such as forestry and steel products. Sven Riekers, Head of Sales for the break-bulk activities of the BLG Group, stated: “Traffic to North America has always been the backbone of Bremen’s port operations. Norlat’s decision to regularly use Neustädter Hafen will greatly strengthens our position.”


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“Port Investments Study 2024” published

“Port Investments Study 2024” published

PARIS. At its annual conference in Paris in late April, the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) released the results of its Port Investments Study 2024, according to which the European port management authorities’ investment needs will rise to 80 billion euros in the next ten years.

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“Port Investments Study 2024” published

“Port Investments Study 2024” published

PARIS. At its annual conference in Paris in late April, the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) released the results of its Port Investments Study 2024, according to which the European port management authorities’ investment needs will rise to 80 billion euros in the next ten years.

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