Magazine for ports, shipping and logistics

Reward for excellence in academic teaching

BREMEN. During the Bremen Shipping Congress, Claus Brandt, MD of the German Maritime Centre, presented the prizes for “Excellence in Teaching of Academic Maritime”. The first prize went to Professor Ilknur Colmorn (left) Bremen University of Applied Sciences (Faculty of Nature and Technology). Rasmus Brandt (centre) from Flensburg University of Applied Sciences (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering and Maritime Technologies) received the second prize, whilst the third prize went to Daniel-André Dücker (right), Research Associate at the Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering at Hamburg University of Technology. The winners received a certificate and prize money to be used for an academic project of their choice. The awards are a contribution towards promoting academic maritime teaching and a way in which the Centre aims to increase the visibility of the maritime sector and to reward teaching staff.

Credits: DMZ

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